Lukich Residence

3,744 S.F. Residence

Okeechobee, FL 34974

Date of Completion: 3/2016

Barnes Residence
4000 S.F. Residence
Okeechobee, FL
Date of Completion: 6/2015


Bloom Residence
2600 S.F. Residence
Okeechobee, Fl 
Date of Completion:  01/2015

Raling Residence
Rear Porch Addition of main home
Okeechobee, Fl
 Date of Completion:  09/2014

Peters Residence
Renovation of guest cottage
Okeechobee, FL
Date of Completion:  04/2014

Frost Residence
3783 S.F. Renovation/Addition
Lakeport, FL
Date of Completion:  02/2014

Rear Porch Addition of main home
Okeechobee, FL 
Date of Completion: 11/2013

Addition/Renovation of main home
Okeechobee, FL
Date of Completion:  07/2013



Okeechobee Healthcare Facility
Seniors 'R' Able
26,800 S.F. Parking Lot Expansion
1646 Highway 441 North, Okeechobee, Fl 34972
Date of Completion: 10/2015

BEM Land Holdings, LLC
Progressive Munitions
3,000 S.F. New Office / Storage Building /Build Out
1934 E Center Street, Okeechobee, Fl 34972
Date of Completion: 07/2015

Walpole Feed & Supply, Inc.

10,500 S.F. New Retail/Office/Storage Building

2595 NW 8th St. Okeechobee Fl

Date of Completion: 2/2015

Praxair Distribution

New Deluge Structure

2534 NW 16th Blvd. Okeechobee, Fl

Date of Completion: 8/2014


Allure Institute for Plastic Surgery

Aldo Lombardo M.D.

Total Office Remodel

114 N. Parrott Ave. Okeechobee, Fl

Architect: Aldo A. Lombardo R.A. A.I.A.

Date of Completion: 7/2014



207 NE 2Nd Street Okeechobee FL 34972 US